Interview with dr. Omar Tavizon – Biofibre haar implantatie kliniek
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Interview with dr. Omar Tavizon

DR. OMAR TAVIZON – Dermatologist, certified with the Mexican Council of Dermatology, current member of the Mexican Academy of Dermatology and of the International Society of Dermatology.

  • Why have you chosen Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant? Because I found it a reliable treatment to offer to my patients whenever they are suitable: biocompatible fibers with a natural appearance and immediate results in a short period of time.
  • When did you start to perform Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant? I started 10 years ago with previous generation and then I switched to Medicap®4.0 .
  • Why are patients choosing Medicap® 4.0 Hair? Because of the cost-benefits, which means the results are according to their expectations. There are many different colors and lengths to choose among the hair-fibers, they can be implanted in several sessions and if everyone follows the protocols (daily care, regular medical check-ups) they have a good outcome.
  • Are patients satisfied with the treatment? Why? Yes, because sometimes when they think there are no more options of treatments to improve their baldness and they find Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant, they understand that there is an excellent medical treatment for them. Many of patients want immediate results and with Medicap® 4.0 Hair, they can have it. They can also mix treatments, and if they are already doing other medical treatments, they don’t need to stop them when they have Medicap® 4.0 Hair.
  • Are you satisfied? Why? Yes, because the patients I have treated with Medicap® 4.0 Hair are doing well. If we, as physicians, learn well all the protocols, we can proceed to perform the Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implants with low investments, so we can offer a wider range of options, always choosing the suitable patients.
  • Which other treatments do you combine with Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant? I prescribe Finasteride, Minoxidil, Aminexil, vitamins (Biotin), zinc and all the treatments my patients need without being concerned about Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant, because it is possible to mix it with other treatments.
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