Interview with dr. Luca de Fazio – Biofibre haar implantatie kliniek
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Interview with dr. Luca de Fazio

DR. LUCA DE FAZIO, General and Emergency Surgeon, also specialised in Aesthetic Surgery and Trichology Surgery.

  • Why have you chosen Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant? Because it is a reliable product, well tolerated, providing a fast solution for the patient who does not want to (or cannot, for clinical reasons) undertake major surgery.
  • When did you start to perform Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant? 10 years ago with previous model and after with new generation.
  • Why are patients choosing Medicap® 4.0 Hair? The reasons are strictly connected to the first answer. After hair transplant surgery, several patients ask for higher hair density which, of course, can be provided with Medicap® 4.0 Hair in a short time.
  • Are patients satisfied with the treatment? Why? They are extremely satisfied because they can have their hair back in a couple of hours/sessions.
  • Are you satisfied? Why? The doctor is satisfied because post-implant complications have an extremely low rate when patients comply with the post-implant protocol.
  • Which other treatments do you combine with Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant? Personally, I combine Medicap® 4.0 Hair Implant with hair transplant.
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